
Review : STYLENANDA 3 Concept Eyes (3ce) Drawing Lip Pen

April 04, 2016

Hoola I'm back.
Today I'm gonna review a lip product which is

STYLENANDA 3 Concept Eyes (3ce) Drawing Lip Pen

I got mine on testerkorea with the Bbia Last Lipstick #4
the price of those cosmetics and skincare products also reasonable 
if u are living in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore or Indonesia
i suggest u to choose ecargo as the shipping method
because it is more affordable than EMS and u just needa wait 4-7 days
and u will get ur parcel :D

Now, lets take a look on the official website photo

3ce claim that this lip pen has soft texture and long lasting
but i will review it today whether it is long lasting :P

as you can see, this lip pen can also be use as eye shadow
since the texture is so soft and creamy
they also claimed that this lip pen only transform a little

and yeah, they have various shades @@ 
u can either buy all which is all inside a LIP PEN KIT
or just like me, buy a single lip pen

u can use two different lip pens to create different looks different styles
and create your own gradient lip easily~~

this lip pen is editor's pick by ALLURE Korea for January 2016
WAH so geng :DD

Finally finish the intro LOL
And now, i will start my review~~~~

I got mine in #ENDEAR shade
which is a coral color <3 i love coral LOL

when i apply on my hand
it is more to pink side coral

cant really tell it is really orange or pink
there will be a little color difference on different devices

this is my bare lips
i didnt apply any lip balm

as you can see, the texture of the lip pen is really matte
high pigmentation BUT
i feel my lips is drying after apply it......
it accentuates into fine lines
i think the darker shades will be better??? idk
so if u still wanna choose the lighter shades
i think it looks good as a lip liner or eye shadow
but definitely not a lipstick for whole lips

it does transform when u drink or eat
i wipe it off with a tissue and it's all gone
so i can tell the staying or lasting power is just
MEH....... -__-


And Yeah~ THATS all for today
See you next time 

any question can comment below
I will reply you ASAP

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  1. I most probably buy the lighter shades first as I like the lighter shades. It is So pretty!!!
    But the darker shades are nice too.
    Feel like getting the whole set but I don't use makeup and it is expensive :(


    1. haha I like it too but sometimes it accentuates the cracks >///<
