
Review : Klenspop Ellen 3 Color Gray Contact Lens

October 13, 2016

Image source : freepik.com
* This product is sponsored by KLENSPOP for review purpose only.
I'm not paid for this post. 

Aloha It's me Celine again
Welcome back to my blog

Last week, I received a package from KLENSPOP
but due to my design work load so delay a bit
I'm only able to do review today
sorry for the late review orz

The shipping period is about 2 weeks
The lens was wrapped with few layers of bubble wrap
so dont worry about received a broken lens :D

And yeah let us take a look on the info 1st

Ellen 3 Color Gray

Manufacturer : Lenspop
Diameter : 14mm
Graphic diameter : 13.7 mm
Water content : 38%
Base curve : 8.6mm
Life span : 6 months
Country of origin : South Korea
Price : 18 usd ( -60% now = 7.20 usd )
Includes 1 pair of lens with bonis case and tweezer

The packaging design~~~

As you can see, the lens has a thin gray ring on the outer part
whereas the center part is yellowish star pattern with some black dots

This lens completely cover my dark brown iris
and enlarge my eyes too
though its diameter is small but the enlargement effect is ZZANG!!!

I'm totally in love with this lens
this is before and after photo


Color : 4.2/5
Design : 3.5/ 5
Enlargement : 4.0/5
Comfort : 3.7/5

Overall, this lens suits me well
TBH, i cant wear lens for a long time
my eyes is too dry LOL

Since I'm not a big fans of big enlargement lens
which makes me like an alien
So I wont wear this to work or daily occassions
But this is just perfect for night party >.<
and thats all for today

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