
Unboxing: Barbies Eyesland Color Contact Lens

August 15, 2017

Image source : freepik.com
* This product is sponsored by BARBIE EYESLAND for review purpose only.

Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog.
Sorry for the late posting, I have tons of work to rush recently.
Hopefully I could finish them ASAP. :p

And yeah, today I'll write an unboxing post instead of review post about
Barbie Eyesland

As I've posted a review about this brand before
You can click HERE for the previous post.
But I'll add some info which I'd missed in previous review.
So let's start~ GOGO

For those who still wondering what is Barbie Eyesland
This is a Contact Lens brand which made in Korea
They have verified Bureau Veritas Healthy & Safety
Inspection Certificate
So you don't have to worry about getting an unknown lens

Their lens have consistent price range which is really affordable.
The price normally about RM25 ~ RM30
1 pair of lens is 3 months disposable
( Little reminder: if you wear more than 5 months and got any eyes problems, don't complain anything ya
they've already mentioned 3 months )
The lens diameter starts from 14.5mm to 16mm
that means you can choose either natural diameter lens or enlargement lens here
They do have tons of designs, provides quite a lot options
The power options for each lens design also different
you have to check yourself

Last time, they send me one design with different color lens
This time, I'm able to choose which design I want to try out
I got myself 4 pairs of lens
which are
Oh My Khaty CHOCO 15mm
Oh My Starry BROWN 15mm
Sensual 3 Tone BROWN 14.5mm
Oh My Moon GREY 14.5mm

So let's have a look on their packaging

The floral printed packaging is cute
There're some directions of use printed behind too
Basically if you buy 1 pair of lens, they give 1 lens case as free
you buy 4 pairs, you got 4 
free lens case
The lens case given according to the quantity you bought
that's why I've said they're really affordable
Their lens case design also adorable
(roses or Oreo biscuit lid)

For those who wanna have a look
can browse through their Facebook or official site

Personally I recommended using their official site as they have promotions every month
you can apply discount code when you buy 3 pairs and above
you can share with friend to save more

I've opened 3 pairs of them which is
Oh My Khaty CHOCO 15mm
Oh My Starry BROWN 15mm
Sensual 3 Tone BROWN 14.5mm

My favorite lens is Sensual 3 Tone BROWN 14.5mm
 It's so comfy on my eyes, I doesn't feel any discomfort
some more it's natural (I don't really like enlargement lens)

I took some close up photos for each lens
also done a cover makeup of Red Velvet Irene
but only focus on eye makeup :D

This is Oh My Khaty CHOCO 15mm

This is Oh My Starry BROWN 15mm

This is Sensual 3 Tone BROWN 14.5mm

RED VELVET IRENE Makeup in Red Flavor MV

My cover

Hope you enjoy my long post
and see you next time -3-

Barbie Eyesland Color Contact Lens
Made in:
Available on:
Barbie Eyesland
RM 25.00 - RM30.00

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